Thursday, December 5, 2013


Our Founding Fathers lived under England's Law with no say in the laws and taxes enforced upon them. Hence , we had The American Revolution. It seems that we are getting very close to have gone full circle. Once again our Government is not doing what We The People want it to do. Little by little they have been cutting away our personal rights under the claim that They Know Better Than Us What Is Good For Us. Instead of trying to fix a problem, by the way it is a problem that they caused, they want to impose an all encompassing law that changes everything. Yes, I am moving to ObamaCare/ACA. Instead of fixing a problem ie: uninsured Americans Healthcare. They change the entire Insurance Industry when all they needed to do was setup a plan to provide Health Insurance to the people with preexisting conditions and the people that do not get it from their employers. The poor were already covered through Medicaid. So what dose ObamaCare/ACA do? It requires all insurance policy's cover what the 12 basics that the government thinks everyone should have without considering their personal situations. The same coverage weather they need the coverage or not. And that even on its face has to cost more. They need at least 7 Million people to sing up to get this plan to work financially. Obama has exempted most of his voting base from ObamaCare/ACA 19 to 25 year olds are exempted by requiring their parents cover them on their insurance. Kathleen Sebelius has said that they need the 7 million and most of all the young 18 - 29 group ( 18 - 25 exempted on parents insurance ). Obama exempted the Unions and Employers for a year( after the 2014 Elections ) . The latest toll on insurance cancellation notices to take effect on 01/01/2014 5,500,000 ( 5.5 Million Cancelled ) Now they only need 1.5 million to signup or more. We don't know if all the 5.5 Million will be able to afford the higher premiums on ObamaCare/ACA. Obamas Lies. 1.If you like your Insurance, you can keep it, Period. 2.If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor, Period. 3.This program will not cost a extra penny. No new taxes, No penalties. 4.They average American will save $2500 5.The Biggest Lie..I didn't say you could keep your (fill in) Period. What I meant was (fill in the Lies here) Obamas Truth. 1.He knew back in 2010 that almost everyone if not everyone would not be able to keep their insurance. 2.He knew that since you were not going to be able to keep your insurance that you might not be able to keep your Doctor. 3.He knew that he took $800 Million out of Medicare. That new taxes were coming for Medical Appliances and there was a monetary penalty for not having insurance. 4.He knew also that the Insurance Companies had submitted the new plans were going to cost more and that the Deductibles were very high. The POUS/Obama can not be trusted to tell the American people the truth ( much like most politicians ) The only way that ObamaCare/ACA passed The Supreme Court of the United States was for it to be labeled a TAX/PENAlTY. It could not pass as being Constitutional any other way. Obama continues to to Rule America by Presidential Edict. If he does like a law he tells the Feds to not enforce it, like ICE. He has missed at least half of the mandates of ObamaCare/ACA by either changing the law himself or waving it to a later date ( after the 2014 Elections) He keeps doing these things without going to Congress to get approval. He has said many times that "If Congress won't do it, Then I will do it myself" OBAMA said he was going to change America. He has. GOD HELP US.

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