Friday, February 12, 2016

Political Bull Shit Is In The Air From Both Sides

To Senator Sanders and Sectary of State Clinton: You both say that people of color are disproportionately in Jail/Prison and that fact proves that they are being discriminated against. Have either of you even considered that the people of color committed crimes and that is the reason they are in Jail/Prison? So I guess that both of you intend to make Drugs and Drug sales legal, Burglary and Robbery Legal, Car Theft or any kind of Theft Legal. The Criminals on the Corners selling Drugs are not looking for a Job. They make by far way more on that Corner than they could possibly make doing a non-criminal job. The other ones are just thieves. Making Drugs Legal will help them I am sure. B.T.W. I am in favor of Legalizing ALL DRUGS. We are doing nothing but trying to stop people from doing what they want to do. Take the money we are wasting on trying to stop it and spend it on Rehab Centers , so that when they want to "Kick" they can. But Yes put them in Jail/Prison for any Crimes they may commit while they are High. I spent 41yrs working in L.E. and not once has anyone told me that the reason they were not doing drugs was because it was Illegal. Social Security: Yes we Baby Boomers are leaving the work force and retiring. We have paid into SS all our working years and most of us have felt that we would never see a penny of that money. We talked about it, but realized that our parents and grand parents needed us paying into it so they would be able to survive. At around $0.75 per hour we were making nearly 7 times what they had started out making. I remember Dad telling me about him making $0.10 a hour driving a truck. Most of the Millennials are making way more than 7 times what we started out making. One of the worst things that the Government could do is let people opt out of SS. They will not put money away for retirement, that is why it was started in the first place. The 1%'s Don't Contribute enough: They employ about 92% of the Americans working. Sanders wants to take 90% of their profits. If I were a 1%'er that would be reason enough for me to move my company out of the United States. Business people are in Business to make money, take that away from them and they have no reason to risk their invest money in America. I like the saying "I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money" This is all that I am going to talk about this time. I know there is so much more.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Veterans Choice Card Program

I got my Veterans Choice Plan Card in January. I thought "Wow" Now I don't have to go 110 Miles to OKC. Boy was I ever wrong. I needed some X-Rays done in July. Instead of getting them done Locally I was told I would need to go to OKC, 110 miles from here. Our VA Clinic that is 12 miles from here does not have any X-Ray Equipment. I told the Nurse that gave this information to forget it. That I was not going to go 110 Miles for X-Rays. I have had X-Rays done at the Hospital in Wichita Falls in the past , by the VA, and thought it was just ludicrous to have to go 110 miles. I was contacted a few days later and told that I could get the X-Rays done at a Hospital at Ft Sill,OK, only 52 miles away. I said OK and made the appointment. I had an appointment at the Local VA a week later. When I asked about the results of the X-Rays, they had no answers, the results had not been posted yet. When talking to my VA Doctor about it, I was told that I would no longer be allowed to go to Ft Sill for X-Rays, the contract expired or something like that. So I asked "Then they are not even going to give us the results of the ones they did" He said that they would, but didn't know when. A few days later we got the results, everything was OK. Now I see that Sen John McCain is going to try to get the Veterans Choice Card Program a permanent program. My thought is the Program isn't really very good when the VA considers ANY Facility with in 40 Miles is a Facility that we can get treatment at. Like ours in Wichita Fall. About all we can get there is Blood work and shots. So the program should be named The Veterans NO Choice Card Program

Monday, October 6, 2014

Why Are We Knowingly Allowing Deadly Diseases Into America

Private Companies are sending their employes into Countries that are having outbreaks of Deadly Diseases that have no readily available treatment/medicine and then want to bring them back to the US with the Deadly Diseases
To start off with I feel sorry for anyone that contracts a Deadly Disease that has almost 100% Death Rate. I feel sorry for anyone who is sent into an area by their Government, that is experiencing the spread of any Deadly Diseases, but I don't feel sorry for a person who knowingly places themselves into the same area for Profit and then contracts the Disease and expects to be returned to the USA for treatment of a Disease that there is no safe way to treat them without exposing the spread of the Disease. If we keep bring Ebola infected people into the US, it is just a matter of time until there is an accidental or intentional release of this Deadly Disease into the wild/general public. With the Large Homeless population in this Country an outbreak of any Disease like Ebola would be Devastating .
The people that are willing to go to these areas need to determine just how much their Life is worth and make the company pay that money into a secure account that their loved ones will have access to in-case they are killed or not allowed to return to the US because of a contracted Deadly Disease.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Whats wrong with Obamacare/ACA? They passed it. Now we are finding out what is in it.

As Obamacare/ACA continues to roll out we are coming to the realization of just what that idiot Nancy Pelosi meant when she said " We have to pass it to know what is in it". You will have Medical Ins, but no will accept it. You have coverage but the Premiums and the deductibles are so high that you can not afford it. There are a lot of Doctors that will not accept it. Just like Medicaid,Medicare and for some Any Insurance at all. Obamacare/ACA will not authorize your Dr or Hospital for payment.Where will you have to go when you need Care? I have heard that Obamacare/ACA is considering Forcing Doctors to Accept it. This will cause how many Doctors to close their doors and leave. Think about it this way. You go to work, your paid by the hour and are told that you now have 4 to 6 hours worth of work to do each day, that you will not be paid for doing it. How long will you continue at that job.

What Should Have Been Done

Coverage for the people that have Pre Existing Conditions that they pay for based on income and not allow the Ins Company to exempt the condition. Allow Ins Companies to sell across State Lines. For the people that are needing help through no fault of their own, Help them. For the people that are just to damn lazy to work or are dope heads. Nothing but true emergency care only.Get the people back to work and off of unemployment comp. Jobs are out there, but why give up the free money.(it's not free we the tax payers are paying it)Get off the Rich Peoples backs. They either worked for it , Stole it or inherited it.

We started the The War On Poverty back in the 1960's and We Have Lost That War. It is time to try a different Tacit. Tough Love maybe. 5.5 Million Cancelled Policies so far as of Jan 1. 2 Million exempted Milliams ages 18 to 26. 1.5 Million Abortions per year. Our Federal Government is not on the right path.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Our Founding Fathers lived under England's Law with no say in the laws and taxes enforced upon them. Hence , we had The American Revolution. It seems that we are getting very close to have gone full circle. Once again our Government is not doing what We The People want it to do. Little by little they have been cutting away our personal rights under the claim that They Know Better Than Us What Is Good For Us. Instead of trying to fix a problem, by the way it is a problem that they caused, they want to impose an all encompassing law that changes everything. Yes, I am moving to ObamaCare/ACA. Instead of fixing a problem ie: uninsured Americans Healthcare. They change the entire Insurance Industry when all they needed to do was setup a plan to provide Health Insurance to the people with preexisting conditions and the people that do not get it from their employers. The poor were already covered through Medicaid. So what dose ObamaCare/ACA do? It requires all insurance policy's cover what the 12 basics that the government thinks everyone should have without considering their personal situations. The same coverage weather they need the coverage or not. And that even on its face has to cost more. They need at least 7 Million people to sing up to get this plan to work financially. Obama has exempted most of his voting base from ObamaCare/ACA 19 to 25 year olds are exempted by requiring their parents cover them on their insurance. Kathleen Sebelius has said that they need the 7 million and most of all the young 18 - 29 group ( 18 - 25 exempted on parents insurance ). Obama exempted the Unions and Employers for a year( after the 2014 Elections ) . The latest toll on insurance cancellation notices to take effect on 01/01/2014 5,500,000 ( 5.5 Million Cancelled ) Now they only need 1.5 million to signup or more. We don't know if all the 5.5 Million will be able to afford the higher premiums on ObamaCare/ACA. Obamas Lies. 1.If you like your Insurance, you can keep it, Period. 2.If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor, Period. 3.This program will not cost a extra penny. No new taxes, No penalties. 4.They average American will save $2500 5.The Biggest Lie..I didn't say you could keep your (fill in) Period. What I meant was (fill in the Lies here) Obamas Truth. 1.He knew back in 2010 that almost everyone if not everyone would not be able to keep their insurance. 2.He knew that since you were not going to be able to keep your insurance that you might not be able to keep your Doctor. 3.He knew that he took $800 Million out of Medicare. That new taxes were coming for Medical Appliances and there was a monetary penalty for not having insurance. 4.He knew also that the Insurance Companies had submitted the new plans were going to cost more and that the Deductibles were very high. The POUS/Obama can not be trusted to tell the American people the truth ( much like most politicians ) The only way that ObamaCare/ACA passed The Supreme Court of the United States was for it to be labeled a TAX/PENAlTY. It could not pass as being Constitutional any other way. Obama continues to to Rule America by Presidential Edict. If he does like a law he tells the Feds to not enforce it, like ICE. He has missed at least half of the mandates of ObamaCare/ACA by either changing the law himself or waving it to a later date ( after the 2014 Elections) He keeps doing these things without going to Congress to get approval. He has said many times that "If Congress won't do it, Then I will do it myself" OBAMA said he was going to change America. He has. GOD HELP US.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Government Shutdown Over

Congress has ended the Shutdown and all Federal Employees will return to work and be Paid Back Pay for the work they missed. Furloughed federal workers also will not have to pay back any Unemployment Compensation they may have drawn from the States. The ones that did have to work will finally be paid. In the future Shutdowns the first Federal Employees that should have their pay cut off is the House, Senate ,Vice-President and President, since they are the ones causing it. So just what did Congress do. They kicked the can down the road again. Come 90 days and all this mess will start over again. They have appointed a Committee. Sound familiar? Raise the Debt Ceiling and keep printing new money until our money is worthless and we see the economy collapse.