BuzzardT's Opinion
Friday, February 12, 2016
Political Bull Shit Is In The Air From Both Sides
Monday, August 17, 2015
Veterans Choice Card Program
Monday, October 6, 2014
Why Are We Knowingly Allowing Deadly Diseases Into America
To start off with I feel sorry for anyone that contracts a Deadly Disease that has almost 100% Death Rate. I feel sorry for anyone who is sent into an area by their Government, that is experiencing the spread of any Deadly Diseases, but I don't feel sorry for a person who knowingly places themselves into the same area for Profit and then contracts the Disease and expects to be returned to the USA for treatment of a Disease that there is no safe way to treat them without exposing the spread of the Disease. If we keep bring Ebola infected people into the US, it is just a matter of time until there is an accidental or intentional release of this Deadly Disease into the wild/general public. With the Large Homeless population in this Country an outbreak of any Disease like Ebola would be Devastating .
The people that are willing to go to these areas need to determine just how much their Life is worth and make the company pay that money into a secure account that their loved ones will have access to in-case they are killed or not allowed to return to the US because of a contracted Deadly Disease.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Friday, December 13, 2013
Whats wrong with Obamacare/ACA? They passed it. Now we are finding out what is in it.
What Should Have Been Done
Coverage for the people that have Pre Existing Conditions that they pay for based on income and not allow the Ins Company to exempt the condition. Allow Ins Companies to sell across State Lines. For the people that are needing help through no fault of their own, Help them. For the people that are just to damn lazy to work or are dope heads. Nothing but true emergency care only.Get the people back to work and off of unemployment comp. Jobs are out there, but why give up the free money.(it's not free we the tax payers are paying it)Get off the Rich Peoples backs. They either worked for it , Stole it or inherited it.
We started the The War On Poverty back in the 1960's and We Have Lost That War. It is time to try a different Tacit. Tough Love maybe. 5.5 Million Cancelled Policies so far as of Jan 1. 2 Million exempted Milliams ages 18 to 26. 1.5 Million Abortions per year. Our Federal Government is not on the right path.